Try to Live Life by the Golden Rule How to summarize? Umm... I'm a used to be hardline conservative during highschool (which is why I joined the military) who then went Homeland Security major in college (which I later understood why it had the letters "BS" before it), had my college paid for by ROTC which is why I had to finish my BS degree instead of changing majors after my change of heart from intervention to non, and of course that's why I'm still in the military for the next 2 years. Wshoo... So, that said, in the end my life goal is to get into the Libertarian movement teaching or writing or whathaveyou. I want to use my GI bill when I get out of the military for a Masters, either in Economics or History or both. I'm also really small town centric - having grown up in the country. I'd love to have a farm someday and have a big family, all old fashioned like.
I'm looking for a woman who's kinda old fashioned-ish like me, who appreciates the country life and understands the importance of family. The important thing is that she has a caring spirit and tries to live life by the Golden Rule like I try. Everything else is a bonus.
Joncliberty, 36
currently offlineKilleen, TX, USA
Try to Live Life by the Golden Rule
About Me
190 lbs
Body Type
athletic, slender
comedy, animation, romantic comedy, drama, action
Eye Color
blue, green
Hair Color
dark brown
single - never married
Have Kids
no - definitely want them though
Education Level
Bachelor's Degree, high school grad, college grad
Politics / Goverment / Military
Income level
Do you smoke?
no - will not date a smoker
I currently live
Political Views
republican, libertarian
Food Related
Chocoholic, Mexican, Japanese, Chinese, Italian, Fast Food, Sushi, Eat Out Frequently, Soul Food, Omnivore
professional, artistic, geek, intellectual, romantic, liberal, conservative, introvert
Religious Views
Agnostic, Christian
I'm looking for
miss right, dating, soulmate
Military Service
Techno, Christian Rock, Rock, Bluegrass, Country, Metal, Hard Rock
Hair Style
buzz cut
Fitness & Sports
running, cycling, hiking, bowling, skiing, jogging, tennis
Looking for
Their Body Type
slim, slender
single - never married
Have Kids
no - definitely want them though
Do they smoke?
no - open to dating smokers though, no - will not date a smoker
Do they drink?
socially, no
Political Views
romantic, intellectual
Religious Views
Agnostic, Christian
They are looking for
mr. right, romance, soulmate
Fitness & Sports
jogging, running
My Photos
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My Groups(8)
Civil Libertarian
219 membersA group for people who value individual freedom, privacy, and civil liberties above all else. They are against government interference in private matters and favor a limited government.
94 membersA group for people who believe in a limited government system with only enough government to protect individual rights and enforce contracts.
177 membersA group for people who believe in a capitalist system with no government interference, where private property is the only source of law and order.
Independent, Lean Libertarian
190 membersA group for people who are independent and lean toward the Libertarian ideology, but not fully devoted to the party. They mostly believe in limited government and fiscal responsibility over social issues.
Individual Rights
553 membersA group for people who believe that individual rights and freedoms should be protected by the government.
Ayn Rand
195 membersA group for people who are devoted to the philosophy of Ayn Rand, which emphasizes reason, self-interest, and individualism.
Drug Legalization
342 membersA group for people who are in favor of legalizing drugs and believe that the government should not interfere with peoples personal choices.
Free Market Economy
464 membersA group for people who favor a free market economy, where prices are set by supply and demand and government interference is kept to a minimum.
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