I’m ambitious and have been fairly successful in my career. In many ways I am a series of contradictions. I’m down-to-earth, genuine and loyal, but am passionate, driven, and have a need to be noticed at the same time.
The man I’m looking for will be self aware, will have a desire to better himself, and will value a stirring conversation as much as or more than how I look when we go out (don’t worry, I put plenty of effort into both).
I have an unlimited number of interests, and I want to explore the world with someone. I am a foodie and very into wine, I love all types of art – paintings, music, literature, performing arts, architecture, film, etc. I love to travel. I enjoy politics and I am very interested in economics and public policy, and how the law affects people’s lives. But I can also hold a conversation about philosophy, medicine, science, history, or any number of other subjects (including less lofty ones).

I believe strongly in personal responsibility, and I always try to learn from my mistakes and seek to improve the next time around.
I value tolerance, integrity, compulsive honesty, compassion, loyalty, self-confidence, thoughtfulness, and respect. Strong family ties, affection, and humor are welcomed too!