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October 7, 2020
Posts: 1

PostPosted: Thu Oct 08, 2020 6:24 pm    Post subject: NYC LIBERTARIANS! JOIN ME IN ARTISTIC CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE!
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hi, im scout and i am in the new york city metropolitan area. i am looking for any libertarian artists that might want to meet up and talk about artistic forms of non-violent protest that can be used to make our dissent against mask mandates, mandatory vaccines, and the lockdowns that have strangled our independent businesses known. my vision for these protests is that they are intellectually engaging rather than emotionally triggering for people. a few examples of some ideas ive had are 1) making masks out of breathable, highly porous material such as mesh, lace etc and writing covid fact numbers on them (the probability of death for example which is only 0.004% if you're a healthy individual -- or the percentage of deaths that have been incorrectly recorded as covid deaths.)

2) i would like to print out the statistics on the cdc website which have recently been updated to indicate these low rates and replace some flyers in corporate businesses that are usually in front or along the aisles that say things such as "keep a safe distance" and "we are in this together."

3) i would also like to post some socialism fact sheets, natural rights fact sheets, and the above mentioned cdc fact sheets all over the nyc subway wherever covid-based socialist propaganda might be. this propaganda has effectively dominated the subway system these days, and i feel inclined to fight back in some way and help protect the sovereignty of my fellow individual.

if you are interested, live in the nyc area, and have some ideas of your own, please feel free to message me in the chat!

"I have never understood why it's 'greed' to want to keep the money you've earned, but not greed to want to take somebody else's money." -Thomas Sowell
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